Featuring London Ontarios LARGEST and highest quality selection of initial professional body jewelry, Legacy prides itself on being on the forefront of the body piercing industry.

Being the only studio in London to have an APP member on staff, (verify at safepiercing.org) all jewelry for initial piercings (as well as aftercare, sterilization, skin prep, etc) meets or exceeds standards set forth by the Association of Professional Piercers.

This means at minimum we are using Implant Grade Titanium that meets ASTM F-136 standards for implantation into the body. The same titanium used in surgical settings for plates, screws and pins in the body.

This quality paired with hundreds of choices in shapes and gem options means you will find a piece you love for your new piercing at our studio.

Click on the photos below to check out our talented piercers pages for their work!